Greet everyone with enthusiasm and make sure they know you are glad to see them. It doesn't matter what kind of shoes they wear or car they drive. Love doesn't ask if you can afford it.
Smart dogs can catch. SMARTER dogs, can't, as people will give you loads of treats trying to teach you how.
When Mom says, 'I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George!" You know you're in for a fun day!
Play in the snow, chase and eat sno-balls... If your tummy tells you something's not right, listen to it, or it will grumble very loudly later.
Be gentle with children and little old ladies. They are delicate and give sweet hugs and kisses.
Don't miss the boat.Never bark when a simple woof will do.
Going shooting is fun!
Find the Clay Pigeons they miss and bring them back!Strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.
Help clean up when there are Beer cans in someone's shop - you might get lucky and find one half-full!!! Never turn down an invitation for a cold one, or warm one, or sharing one with Dad...
Getting to go along is great, even if you don't like the ride part all that much; you get to have so many neat adventures.Only fart around Mom when Dad's nearby, she won't know who to blame.
Mind your manners; Grandma will make you scrambled eggs.
Love your Vet & Groomer, they care for you very much and going to see them is fun! They have very special treats and Mom always buys some for at home!
When snuggling with Mom on the bed and she tries to hide you under the blankets from Dad - don't wag your tail!
"The Earth is my towel and I shall dry myself upon it."
If you help Dad mow the lawn, your paws will turn green.
Wallow in thick mud and enjoy the Spa treatment; some women pay hundreds of dollars for this luxury.Pick the remote up and hand it to Dad before jumping up on the couch to watch TV with him.
Go boating every chance you get & always wear your lifejacket.Never skip a meal; eating is important!
Keep everyone's secrets and wag your tail a lot.
Go swimming whenever the chance arises.
Remind PaPa how much he likes Popcorn; he likes to share.
Hunting fish is fun!Goofiness is almost always appropriate.
Tummy Time is always good - who doesn't love a good tummy rub?
Go out with Dad to get the mail and carry in a letter to Mom - you'll get at least 3 cookies everytime.Wiggle when you walk.
Pick up skeins of yarn that roll off the couch and bring them to Mom; she has biscuits hiding in her knitting basket.
When you're a puppy, don't eat the siding off the house, Dad get's really pissed off.
If someone doesn't feel good, curl up with them for a nice long nap.Flirt with women, it will get you everything; respond enthusiastically to the adorable nicknames they call you -like Georgeous, Handsome, Mister, Georgie, Goofball...
George was born Beckwith's Bright Star, May 11, 1997 and came into our lives October 16, 1997. We were blessed by his presence immediately and although at that time he was not ours, he became very special to us and we loved him very much. I'll never forget that day. He was a stocky 5 month old Golden Retriever puppy; he made me think of a linebacker. He was so happy - jolly - to be precise and so easy going as he dragged my sofa half-way across the living room... When Art came home that evening and met George, his exact words were, "We're not getting another dog. ...But if he needs a home, we'll take him." It was a prophecy, but at the time, we had no idea what was in store for George or our little family, but on March 1, 1998, on a cold, rainy evening, we brought George home for the first time as our dog. We have had so many wonderful years, wonderful adventures and sweet times. On Monday, December 19, 2005 George passed on to Heaven, where he is free of cancer and pain and with his friends and brothers Skippy and Yukon who await us at Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you for sharing George with us! I'm so sorry he is gone. I am thankful he had a wonderful family, home and life full of love. Take care, Tori P.S. I got here via Miss Finch.
We never had the utter pleasure to meet George, but know how wonderful he was and how much his mommy loved him.
He will be missed by people who never got a chance to meet him and mourned by those who did.
Golden furball...we wish you safe journey to the rainbow bridge and send our kisses to the sky.
Colleen Paige
National Dog Day Foundation
Thank you George for being Molly's buddy - she will miss you terribly. She doesn't quite understand where you have gone. Grandma and Papa's won't be the same.
God Bless you on your journey and may you learn how to catch cookies along the way!
We love you George!!
Lovely post!
Gail, Art, and the gracious Miss Amber,
What a fine tribute to a fine friend and companion. We will miss George ever so much. Our love and sympathy to all of you.
Sandie, Jeff, Zack, and Luke
Reading your tribute to George through tears -- what a wonderful dog he was, and what a lucky family you were to share life with him.
I'm near Mt. Vernon with my own nine dogs -- my heart is with you now.
-- Catherine
Thinking of you. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful dog.
Laura (Mokey's mom)
Dear Art an Gayle, Susie and I know all to well the pain you are experiencing over the loss of George. He was a great dog!! Better days are ahead. Love, Scott and Susie
What a sweet tribute... it sounds like he was a wonderful dog!
Gayle - Just a note to say that George was as lucky to have you (and the rest of your family) as you all were to have him. My condolences - I share your tears - Stephanie, A.C.S.
Bye George! Your family both loves and misses you very much!!
stumbled on this wonderful tribute completely by accident. George sounds like a truly fabulous companion, and your hearts must be broken. May the great memories ease the huge George-shaped hole in your world
I am not sure of the reason, but it seems very unfair to me that our dogs do not to get to play on this earth as long as we do.
George was on of those very special dogs. He was definiately a George and he loved everyone irregardless.
Fortunately for George he was able to love Art and Gayle the most. In return, they loved him as no other parents in the world could.
Life on earth could not be better.
Our tears are with you, Tom and Chris
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