Did I mention I was frustrated with this? Well, if you can call picking out about 6 rows last night and not getting totally frustrated and wanting to frog the entire thing "progress" then I made headway last night. I was remembering something that Laura of http://poormissfinch.com had recently said about weighing the difference between time to frog and time to perform surgery. I figured that once I started to frog, there would be no stopping. I knew I had this - (sorry the picture isn't very good, our camera sucks for taking close up pictures and it was at night, so the light was awful) and it is hard to see - but there is a loop - just off to the left of center where I split the two strands on a stitch. So I picked out a bunch of rows, dropped down about 3 rows after figuring out which side of the yarn over I needed to go on (I was tired of picking out rows and had opted to try for surgery) and put it back together. At this point, Art usually decides to start talking to me about something. Bless his heart. Will they ever understand? I am now in the operating room, my patient is on the table and is cut wide open!! I have precious minutes to get in, get the heart beating again and get out. Too long and I will for sure have a calamity! Now is not the time for idle chit-chat or worse - making "to-do" lists!!! For some reason, the poor guy just doesn't understand when I get cranky about this. No wonder he resents my knitting sometimes. I am learning to be more sensitive, he is learning that scrunched up intenselook on my face means something.
As for the patient - it lived. I am not yet sure how it's recovery is today; I haven't checked in. I am just glad that I still like it and want to keep going on it. I have decided it is a gift and who I want to make it for... At first it was for me, but I can decide if I want to make another for myself later - Christmas is coming and I have lots and lots to do!!!
For the rest of the evening, we spent some time on the floor snuggling with Amber & George!!
(Here's Amber & Art)

Tonight I hope to see how I did on the FBS surgery! Now I am off to the new Costco in Woodinville! I am so excited to have one so close!
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